Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Hollywood Style of Photography

Magnetically attractive, Sparkling Highlights and Dramatic Shadows.

Those are the things that make the Hollywood Style so breathtaking.
Designed long ago by the great Hollywood Photographers to attract customers to the movies, the "Style" can now be applied to almost any kind of photographs. The carefully controlled Accents cause the images to just "Leap out" at you.
The Style never grows old. Even those who have never seen it used are immediate devotees.

Robert Alexander is considered by many to be today's "Guru" of the Hollywood Style.
He first saw it used at the legendary 1958 Ole Miss Conference, a Seminar which featured World Famous Max Munn Autrey, Head 20th Century Fox Glamour Photographer as a speaker.

The Golden 50th PPMA Fall Seminar was held Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2007, at Ole Miss, in the same location as the first one. Alexander was asked to tell "How it all started" over 50 years ago with a phone call by him to Ole Miss. His talk ended up as the inspiration for a wonderful article in the Ole Miss Alumni Review magazine, Spring 2008 issue, thanks to Vice Chancellor, Gloria Kellum, of Ole Miss, who also spoke at the Seminar, representing Ole miss.

Unfortunately, the rooms are no longer $4.50, nor the meals $2.00 PER DAY, or the Banquet tickets $2.00, as they were listed in the 1958 Official Program, which were on display on the Memorabilia Table at this year's Seminar.

History of the Hollywood Style Lights

Originally, the Hollywood Photographers were making portraits that looked pretty much like everyone else's. Standard poses and normal "Rembrandt" lighting.
There was no overwhelming "draw" to them. No customer attraction.
One day a brilliant suggestion was made. "We need lights with more 'Zip' to them". Fresnel-type spotlights were chosen. The kind used in searchlights that you can see for miles. Sharp-edged Shadows and Highlights that sparkled. Hence came the phrase, "Sparkling highlights and dramatic shadows". A new system of lighting was born.

Click here on
Hollywood Style for 30 pages of info about the Style.

The Hollywood Style of Photography
Copyright Robert Alexander 2007
601-951-4447 cell

See our Military Reunion
Blogsite at Mil. Re.


Hope Conerly said...

You never cease to amaze me. I have already been telling people what I learned in class last night. Hope

Unknown said...

Mr Alexander
Excellent Blog! Thank You for Sharing you knowledge,experience and Personal memories.

Your Classes are Priceless!

Gary Davis

Former P-Shooter now Professional Photographer!

Yucel said...

I saw where you commented about using freznel add ons to a speed light on someone's blog to get the Hollywood lighting effect using modern gear.

Having read and reviewed a book about this, see, which is all about doing it with large hot spots and film, am looking for info on doing it w flash.

Must be a way and sounded like ur on to something.

Please advise?

